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ApneaLink - Home Sleep Apnea Test & Reports – One night Description
ApneaLink Air
In partnership with Fondooz Technology Services (FST) a RESMED Authorised Dealer, HelpDeliver is now providing overnight Sleep Apnea Testing in the home using the RESMED ApneaLink Air Device.
Diagnosing and managing your Sleep Apnea can be a challenging experience for any of us but especially if you are elderly or alone. Insomnia and related fatigue due to the interruption of your sleep can be debilitating and dangerous.
Our new Sleep Apnea Testing Service brings our Registered Nurses to your home to partner with you to assist you in the diagnosis and the management of Sleep Apnea.
The Nurse attends your home and provides you with the instructions on how to fit the machine to your body to ensure the correct data is captured for your report while you sleep. The Nurse returns the next day and collects the machine which is taken to our partners where the data is downloaded and a comprehensive report is provided to you within 3-days for your to share with your Doctor.
If you don’t have your own Doctor, we can provide you with a Sleep Medicine Physician TeleHealth Consultation upon request with pricing starting from THB700 for 15-minutes.
The ResMed’s ApneaLink Air™ provides performance and reliability in their most compact, lightweight and easy-to-use home sleep testing device ever. A cost-efficient, type III home sleep testing device, the ApneaLink Air is capable of recording up to five channels of information: respiratory effort, pulse, oxygen saturation, nasal flow and snoring.
Key features
- Efficient. ApneaLink Air works seamlessly with AirView™ to provide a comprehensive diagnostic software solution, empowering sleep labs to efficiently manage each step of the process.
- Detailed. ApneaLink Air differentiates between obstructive and central apneas, as well as CSR probability detection.
- Effective. By streamlining access to apnea treatment, the device can help expand the number of patients your lab can accept.
- Configurable. Analysis parameters allow adjustment of thresholds.
- Intuitive. Designed to make home testing easy, the one-touch stop/start operation and completion light make it clear to patients when evaluation begins and ends.
- Accurate. You’re provided with a clear diagnosis and effective reports that meet AASM and CMS definitions for hypopnea scoring guidelines.
- Comprehensive. Includes body positioning calculation to determine AHI when supine, side-lying, prone and upright.
- Home delivery, installation and instructions on use with our Registered Nurse
- Next day Home Pickup and Cleaning Fee Upon Return
- Full report emailed to you within 3-days for supporting diagnosis with your own Doctor